Biological, evolutionary perspective of Happiness

Biological, evolutionary perspective of Happiness

2019 Nov 5 3:14
2024 Jul 24 7:33

All biological beings are designed for survival and biological flourishing (reproduction), not happiness

Emotion(happiness) is a crucial software (tool) for survival to easily evaluate + and - for survival

survival strategy difference between animal and plant

brain(emotion) is made for movement - main reason of emotion - Since we can move, we need critical judgement of movement

Emotion - Simplified key of movement - for early judgement

emotion system is energy consuming(impact) since it is important
To make quick, powerful decisions about movement (“go” or “stop”)

Friend and Food → survival

decrease crisis since environment has uncertain - so lonely is impact emotion
멍게는 올챙이적에 뇌가 있지만 정착하면 자신의 뇌를 먹는다 광우병에 대한 면역시스템이 남아있던 이유는 호모사피엔스 시절 죽인 낯선 인간의 뇌를 먹어왔기 때문

Happy life = frequently blink happy emotion

To motivate& seek key resource : emotion, So When

  1. it resets - why objective conditions are poor happiness predictors
  1. it is discriminant, why social experience (extraversion) is so important which make relative discriminant

happiness is in 'being' not becoming - if becoming than blink off

find my stone of life(gist) and fill rest pebble, sand, water in sequence
