Magna Carta 이후 의회민주주의오아 전제왕정의 싸움이 의회의 승리로 마무리되는 순간영국 의회와 네덜란드의 오라녜 공 빌럼이 손을 잡고 국왕 제임스 2세를 퇴위시킴영국 의회 민주주의의 시발점이자 근대 시민사회로 가는 밑바탕혁명의 결과로 Bill of Rights 이 통과되었다 Glorious RevolutionThe Glorious Revolution is the term, first used in 1689, to summarise events leading to the deposition of James II and VII of England, Ireland, and Scotland in November 1688 and his replacement by his daughter Mary II and her husband, who was also James's nephew William III of Orange, de facto ruler of the Dutch Republic. Known as the Glorieuze Overtocht or Glorious Crossing in the Netherlands, it has been described both as the last successful invasion of England and as an internal coup.