시장 2020 과반이상 점유중Meta Oculus ProductsOculus CambriaMeta Quest Meta Oculus NotionMeta Codec AvatarsMeta Horizon OS 연구용 VR헤드셋인 하프돔 시리즈눈으로 보는 것과 같은 높은 픽셀 해상도아주 밝은 디스플레이 1만니트아주 앏은 ARMeta Reveals VR Headset Prototypes Designed to Make VR 'Indistinguishable From Reality'Meta says its ultimate goal with its VR hardware is to make a comfortable, compact headset with visual finality that's 'indistinguishable from reality'. Today the company revealed its latest VR headset prototypes which it says represent steps toward that goal. Meta has made it no secret that it's dumping tens of billions of dollars in ...https://www.roadtovr.com/meta-vr-headset-prototypes-visual-fidelity-indistinguishable-from-reality[미라클레터] 저커버그가 말한 VR튜링 테스트미라클 모닝을 하는 일잘러들의 '참고서'https://stibee.com/api/v1.0/emails/share/TcTVnjQyZd2t3dWp3gOczltwnB_mXvM=Meta QuestMeta Quest 3. Coming this fall.https://www.youtube.com/@MetaQuestVRMeta Teases Advanced Headset "Practical To Build Now"Meta showed a render of the advanced 'Mirror Lake' prototype it teased last year and said it's "practical to build now."https://www.uploadvr.com/meta-mirror-lake-advanced-prototype-renderHistoryPalmer Luckey, American VulcanA hub of Jewish life, Tablet features news, essays, podcasts, and opinion, covering arts, pop culture, technology, holidays, sports, and more.https://www.tabletmag.com/feature/american-vulcan-palmer-luckey-anduril