National/Cultural Factors of Happiness

National/Cultural Factors of Happiness

2019 Nov 5 3:14
2024 Jul 24 7:28

Three type of Wealth (by OECD)

  • Material Wealth
  • Social Wealth
  • Psychological Wealth
SWB Psychological Wealth, Korea only has Material Wealth of these three (by statistics)

Social Wealth of Korea

almost last of OECD - low 'can count on other's factor' and 'feel respected''
→ Economic, objective life conditions do NOTfully explain national differences in happiness
Rich country is happy, but it has exception by social wealth - ex. north-east Asia low and mid-south America is high
political object statistics ex. north Korea Cation : Bangladesh Bhutan is not happy (statistics coincidence) happiness is not index of Utopia ex. Venezuela politic


Culture = Air - culture influences each and every phase of SWB, but usually difficult to notice
defined happiness - Buddihism "this is happiness" can't give happiness
So What cultural factors are particularly relevant?

Individualism <-> Collectivism

most important part of cultural factor
Whether individual values are fully respected and valued (become a “statue”) or considered after the ideals, goals of the group (Nordic taboo)
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  • income - do not has effect to income has effect to rights
  • rights - has correlation with happiness
  • equality - has correlation with SWB
  • individualism - increase happiness has effect to income direction only has effect to rights and equality both
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Nordic taboo - evaluate other life

collectivism is good system to react to crisis but cost is individual happiness


Similar contrast in Fundamental views about the self
  • interdependent self-view (Collectivism)
  • independent self-view (individualism)
Need Free expressions of emotion & personal belief, AND greater understanding by others - right/wrong decisions by the person (not authority)

Self schema

  • self has clear boundary between self and friend in I
  • all individual has clear boundary
  • respect individual internal attribute property
    • stranger E out-group, self and friend E in-group and all three is individual

  • self and friend boundary is unclear and close distance
  • but group has clear boundary
  • share individual internal attribute property

summary : like week tie is important, independent individual is important, so sense of personal freedom so to maintain happiness do not revise judgment by other's opinion
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proper physical distance is flexible, but if it is broken, very disturbing - Edward Hall

Judgment of i'm happy

human use heuristic cue to judgment of happiness and cues are like this
  • mood at individualism
More individualistic cultures “look” primarily into their inner emotions
  • norm at collectivism
other effect my think - just do enjoy
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Other’s view matters when the relational self is primed
relational(personal) self makes self- view changing - so culture is chronic primer
relational self <-> independent self
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in relational self both important but collectivism chronic primer

Collective well-being

Some aspects of individualism (competition, focus on personal achievement) do not raise happiness
collective self - self-conceptions based on one’s membership in groups or social categories

National Satisfaction

more important in poor than rich countries - emphasizing 'group' happiness
  • more forceful norms
  • less acceptance of individuals 'outside' the group
  • more corruption (to please group)

Other National dimensions

Power distance (PD) Acceptance(extend)

PD acceptance degree to that power is distributed unequally
Korea is high power country - high power individuals advice, interference frequently

Uncertainty Avoidance (UA)

degree of society's tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity
Korea has high - make strict law, rules and regulation - Make social standards (ex. clothes , trend)

Open society - social factors

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trust is important in happiness (denmark is strong individualism and trust)
non-materialism - also important
Freedom - "glue" between economy & SWB


key feature - freedom, less formality, law corruption, strong social trust

other people should be joy, pleasure - not fear, anxiety
