Page Replacement

2019 Nov 5 5:17
2023 Sep 13 7:54
Belady's Proof (Oracle solution: ideal): Evicting the page that will not be used for the longest period of time minimizes the number of page faults

Counting Algorithms

  • LFU(Least frequently used) but do not reflect time variable *recent used victim
  • MFU(Most Frequently Used) consider recent used

Timing algorithms

  • FIFO Simple: single pointer suffices Belady's Anomaly: more frame do not improve fifo algorithm performance
  • LRU (Least recently used) by counters or stack

but lru is complicate


LRU Approximation (real use)

  • Sampled LRU (hardware support) reference bit - can be cleared when full
  • Second-Chance Algorithm LRU clock(Secondd chance) - clock bit clock hand - PTE reference - often use modified bit(dirty bit) either
Evaluate algorithm usually by running it on a particular string of memory references (reference string) and computing the number of page faults on that string

Evict picked victim page
Page fault service time – Service the page-fault interrupt + Read in the page + Restart the process

Allocation of Frames

each process need minimum number of pages - Must provide enough frames to hold all the different pages that any single instruction can reference
  • local replacement - can not steal other process's frame - Fixed(Equal) allocation - each algorithm to process
  • global replacement - can steal other process's frame - Priority allocation
Proportional allocation : related to process size set frame number Priority allocation : set process priority

Page replacement Examples

  1. windows NT demand paging with clustering(gist) process has working-set min, working-set maximum and if exceed then automatic working-set trimming process perform to restore free memory
  1. solaris 2
    1. notion image
