Zero Two way data bindingWhat you have to know is that the React pursues a different paradigm with JavaScript React NotionReact VersionReact RenderingReact ComponentReactDOMReact Member React UsagesReact FrameworkReact LibraryReact PerformanceReact PatternReact Error How to React[번역] 왜 React Element에는 $$typeof 프로퍼티가 있을까?최근 개인 블로그 Overreacted를 통해 양질의 포스트를 쏟아내고 있는 Dan Abramov의 Why Do React Elements Have a $$typeof Property? 를 번역한 글입니다. 지나친 의역 및 오역 지적해주시면 감사하겠습니다. 당신은 (컴포넌트를 쓸 때) JSX를 쓰고 있다고 생각하겠지만 사실, 함수를 호출하고 있다. 그리고 이 함수는 객체를 반환한다. 우리는 이 객체를 React element 라고 부른다.'t Sync State. Derive It!In my Learn React Hooks workshop material, we have an exercise where we build a tic-tac-toe game using React's useState hook (based on the official React tutorial). Here's the Github file for the finished version of that exercise We have a few variables of state. There's a squares state variable via React.useState. ReactReact Ruined Web Development 🙉Last week I attended .debug, a developers conference, where my company held a booth. The idea was to have a "change my mind" kind of setup, where we represent a radical idea, invite people to debate with us, and show them that we're building some interesting stuff at Productive .