Big Tech

Alan JoAlan Jo
2022 Jan 18 11:48
Alan JoAlan Jo
2023 Nov 24 14:47

문화적 다양성도 거버넌스에서는 중요하겠지만 필요조건은 기술적 다양성

Big companies have essentially become centers for identity politics, not sitting down and writing code and solving creative problems. Somehow good things like being kind to all and treating everybody as you'd want to be treated have morphed into (mostly people who have infiltrated HR departments) preaching anti-whiteness and anti-male hatred. I do some consulting for companies and have been put on a handful of their internal mailing lists so I directly see what kind of racist filth goes out to the actual employees. Whenever I see something about "blacklist" or "master vs main," I wish I could ask the people behind it "don't you have something better to be working on?" It got to the point that "blacklist" is a trigger for me, not because I find the term offensive, but because I don't want to deal with the flamewar that's soon to follow. I go out of my way to not name things "blacklist" or "blocklist" just to avoid this.
preaching anti-whiteness and anti-male hatred. I do some consulting for companies and have been put on a handful of their internal mailing lists so I directly see what kind of racist filth goes out to the actual employees. As somebody very skeptical of this characterization but that admittedly does not work in FAANG I would love to see a copy and pasted example.
I don't doubt that racism like this sneaks into D&I presentations, but I have to call out that the sources are the Daily Mail and NY Post--both are known for bias and not being especially reliable sources. At the same time, I don't think more authoritative, centrist news outlets would cover this story, either.
