Maintainability자동화된 테스트 외의 답은 없다The cost of writing tests should be lower than the cost of bugs.테스트는 기본적으로 일반적인 루트가 메인이 아니어야 한다기능 추가시 사례분류한 것 모든 사례 테스트가 작동해야기능 변경, 제거, 추가시 모든 사례분류가 작동가능해야Code TestsUnit testIntegrate TestSystem TestUndertaking TestdogfoodWhite Box TestBlack Box TestStress TestComponent TestContract TestSnapshot Test Code Test NotionTest Code CoverageFuzzingTestcontainerDogFooding Too much of a good thing: the trade-off we make with tests | nicole@webI've worked places where we aspired to (but did not reach) 100% code coverage. We used tools like a code coverage ratchet to ensure that the test coverage always went up and never down. This had a few effects.