Conflict-free replicated data type순서와 상관없이 변경사항만 같으면 같은 상태분산 컴퓨팅에서 충돌 없는 복제 데이터 유형은 네트워크의 여러 컴퓨터에 걸쳐 복제되는 데이터 구조로 애플리케이션은 다른 복제본과 조정하지 않고 모든 복제본을 독립적으로 동시에 업데이트할 수 있다CRDT ToolsLoroAutomergeYorkie CRDT AlgorithmsTreedocWooT An Interactive Intro to CRDTs | jakelazaroff.comCRDTs don't have to be all academic papers and math jargon. Learn what CRDTs are and how they work through interactive visualizations and code samples. a BFT JSON CRDTTable of Contents How CRDTs differ from traditional databases When should we use strong eventual consistency over linearizability? Adding Byzantine Fault Tolerance for free (almost) Hashes as IDs and Signed Message Digests Eager Reliable Causal Broadcast and Retries Future directions for CRDTs Acknowledgements CRDTs are a family of data structures that are designed to be replicated across multiple computers without needing to worry about conflicts when people write data to the same place.