책한권 읽은 사람이 제일 무섭다
A gut feeling that you understand the science better than you actually do which can lead people to ignore actual experts over their dangerous superficial knowledge and gut feelings
Due to the intuition of understanding science better than they actually do, people can ignore real experts because of their superficial knowledge and gut feelings.
Here is what some people do, they don’t stand for nonsense. They have a whole framework for understanding reality and someone tells them something, they try to figure out how that fits into their framework and if it doesn’t, they just reject it. Here is a way to get bad intuitions, believe everything you talk. People who try and incorporate whatever they are told, end up with a framework that is very fuzzy and believe everything, is a mistake. Having a strong view of the world and trying to manipulate incoming facts to fit in with your view lead you into deep religious belief and fatal flaws, but I think it is the way to go. - Geoffrey Hinton