Eli Lilly drug shown to slow Alzheimer’s progressionDementia experts hail "watershed moment" after trial results for donanemab antibody treatment.https://arstechnica.com/health/2023/07/eli-lilly-drug-shown-to-slow-alzheimers-progression/FDA grants first full approval for an Alzheimer’s drug in 20 yearsQuestions linger around how many patients will be able to access the drug with limited coverage from Medicare.https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/06/fda-grants-approval-alzheimers-drug-00105041'인류의 적' 치매와 싸울 게임체인저 등장 - 매일경제알츠하이머 신약 '도나네맙'임상3상서 초기 환자에 효과인지력 저하 속도 35% 늦춰연내 美FDA 승인 받을 듯韓제약사도 치료제 개발 박차https://www.mk.co.kr/news/society/10787722