Net Neutrality모든 패킷을 평등하게 취급해야 한다는 것technical: how an ISP should share/allocation its resourcessocial, economic:protecting free speech and encouraging in innovation, competitionNetwork Neutrality NotionNetwork Neutrality historyTitle I (Information Service)Title II (Common Carrier Service) Dumb PipeSmart Pipe FCCFederal Court Strikes a Final Blow to FCC’s Net-Neutrality RulesAppeals-court decision ends effort to regulate internet providers like utilities, citing Supreme Court decision restraining federal agencies’ powers. officially votes to reinstate net neutrality | TechCrunchThis restores, with some changes and protections, the rules passed back in 2015 allowing the FCC to enforce basic rules of connectivity and fairness in broadband. moves ahead with Title II net neutrality rules in 3-2 party-line voteFCC issues Notice of Proposed Rulemaking over Republican objections.