Neuron Activation in Left Prefrontal cortex respond to work such as AI Neuron Activation (actually word embedding in the paper)Semantic encoding during language comprehension at single-cell resolutionwww.nature.com helps map one cubic millimeter of human brain tissue - 9to5GoogleThe human brain is one of the most complex structures in existence. Google, in collaboration with Harvard University, today released a browsable 1.4-petabyte reconstruction of a very small part of the human cortex. Image Compression for ConnectomicsConnectomic reconstruction of neural circuits relies on nanometer resolution microscopy which produces on the order of a petabyte of imagery for each cubic millimeter of brain tissue. The cost of storing such data is a significant barrier to broadening the use of connectomic approaches and scaling to even larger volumes. We present an image compression approach that uses machine learning-based denoising and standard image codecs to compress raw electron microscopy imagery of neuropil up to 17-fold with negligible loss of reconstruction accuracy. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. reconstructionneuroglancer!gs://h01-release/assets/neuroglancer_states/20210601/c3_library.jsonFly www.nature.com