Next.js dynamic()

Seonglae ChoSeonglae Cho
2021 Jun 30 8:56
2024 Feb 11 3:59
  • Designed for SSR and SSG: Next.js's dynamic function is specifically designed to work seamlessly with both server-side rendering and static site generation. It enables code-splitting and lazy loading in a way that's compatible with Next.js's pre-rendering features.
  • Custom Loading Components: Like React.lazy, you can specify a loading component that will be displayed while the dynamic component is being loaded. However, it's done through the loading option in the dynamic function, not with Suspense.
  • SSR Control: One of the key advantages of Next.js's dynamic import is the ability to control whether a component is imported dynamically only on the client side or if it should be pre-rendered on the server. This is particularly useful for optimizing performance and ensuring compatibility with SSR and SSG.
  • No Need for Suspense: Next.js's dynamic import does not require Suspense to work. It's built to handle the loading state internally and works out of the box with Next.js's SSR and SSG capabilities.
