Super babySuperbabies: Putting The Pieces Together — LessWrongThis post was inspired by some talks at the recent LessOnline conference including one by LessWrong user “Gene Smith”. … Babies Are Here — So Why Aren't We Talking About It?The societal implications of this technology are still vast. And researchers can already start exploring the ethics by engaging communities well ahead of time. to Make Superbabies — LessWrongWorking in the field of genetics is a bizarre experience. No one seems to be interested in the most interesting applications of their research. … Genomics (Birth Control)IVF Embryo selection for higher IQHow to Make Superbabies — LessWrongWorking in the field of genetics is a bizarre experience. No one seems to be interested in the most interesting applications of their research. … startup charging couples to ‘screen embryos for IQ’Heliospect’s services were marketed at up to $50,000 for 100 embryos, undercover footage shows birth control options are in development, but a number of barriers still stand in the wayThere has not been a new form of male birth control since the introduction of the “no-scalpel vasectomy” in the 1980s. Birth Control Pill for Men Could Start Human Trials This YearScientists are still racing to create the first male contraceptive that isn't a condom or surgery. In new preliminary research, a team says they've developed a non-hormonal form of male birth control, one that kept lab mice sterile for four to six weeks with seemingly no side effects. yet predictableThose designer babies everyone is freaking out about – it’s not likely to happenForecasts of designer babies followed the announcement of the gene-edited twins, just as they have for any reproductive technology since 1978. This signals the public must learn more about genetics.