Climate Change

Seonglae ChoSeonglae Cho
2022 Jul 4 16:48
2024 Nov 21 14:50

지속 가능한 에너지가 지구와 인류에 좋다

자주 하는 착각은 도덕기준을 환경에 적용하는 것. 과학적 통계적 접근으로 개선되어야 한다
Climate Change Notion

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Annual graph

지구인을 위한 오답노트
【오타 정정】 24:30 T화성 → T금성 【references and notes】 ⎯ 0:33 행성기후학 교과서 : ⟪Principles of Planetary Climate⟫ (Pierrehumbert, 2010) ⎯ 1:47 복사강제력 관련 윌리순 발표 전체영상 : ⎯ 부정론자들은 정상적인 힉술학회에 참여하여 다른 학자들과 토론하지 않는다. 이번 영상에는 부정론자들의 발표가 총 3번 등장하는데, 이는 각각 Independent Instititue ( ), Heartland Institute ( ), Institute of Public Affairs ( )의 후원으로 마련된 자리이다. 적어도 내가 아는한 예외는 없다. 부정론자들은 후원없이 활동하지 않는다. ⎯ 2:35 윌리 순 Willie Soon : ⎯ 2:35 ⟪Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)⟫ ( ) ··· 대표적 기후변화 부정론자들이 출연한 2024년 다큐멘터리 ⎯ 3:19 Solar irradiance : ⎯ 3:24 Nimbus 7 : ⎯ 5:11 복사강제력 (Radiative Forcing) : ⎯ 6:33 막스플랑크 태양계연구소 ( )의 태양에너지 입사량 data : ⎯ 6:37 태양 흑점 (Sunspot) : ⎯ 7:29 입사량 vs 온도 그래프 : ⎯ 8:28 도시열섬효과 관련 윌리순 발표 전체영상 : ⎯ 9:32 GISTEMP ( ) : NASA가 제공하는 지구표면 온도변화 data ⎯ 9:50 지표면 온도지도 data source : ⎯ 10:09 북극 얼음면적 data : ⎯ 10:46 독립적으로 운영되는 6개의 기구에서 분석한 지표면 온도변화 그래프 : ⎯ 11:11 호주공영방송 ABC 주관 기후변화관련 2016년 토론 전체영상 : ⎯ 11:11 Brian Cox : ⎯ 11:37 Malcolm Roberts : ⎯ 11:55 The Blue Marble : ⎯ 12:32 List of Apollo astronauts : ⎯ 12:37 아폴로 17 미션 중 달에서 촬영된 영상 : ⎯ 12:44 Earthrise : ⎯ 12:53 지상 기상관측지점 분포도 영상 : ⎯ 13:20 다양한 기후/환경인자에 대한 고해상도 지도 : ⎯ 13:45 Earth Nullschool : ⎯ 14:13 월별 지구온도변화 그래프 : ⎯ 16:04 ‘포화오류’ 관련 윌리엄 하퍼의 발표 전체영상 : ⎯ 17:08 윌리엄 하퍼 William Happer : ⎯ 17:49 크누트 옹스트롬 Knut Ångström : ⎯ 17:59 포화오류 관련 참조문헌 : ⟪Intrared radiation and planetary temperature⟫ (2011, Pierrehumbert, ) ··· '지구온난화 물리'에 대한 훌륭한 article이다. '포화오류'에 대한 내용은 다섯번째 페이지 Box에 간결하게 정리되어 있다. ⎯ 18:49 1985년 칼세이건의 미의회증언 영상 : ⎯ 20:28 금성 : ⎯ 22:19 지구의 대기 : ⎯ 23:05 화성의 대기 : ⎯ 24:35 금성탐사 프로젝트 목록 : ⎯ 25:35 IPCC (기후 변화에 관한 정부간 협의체) : ⎯ 25:39 교토 의정서 : ⎯ 26:23 ◼︎ HITRAN (High Resolution Transmission) : ◼︎ History of the HITRAN Database (2021, Nature) ⎯ 26:47 사진에 나오는 초기 전자컴퓨터 ‘UNIVAC’은 실제로 기상학자 슈쿠료 마나베 ( )의 기후 시뮬레이션 연구에 사용되었던 장비이다. 그렇게 '신뢰 할 수 있는 기후 시뮬레이션 연구'를 가능케 했던 마나베는, 그 공로로 2021년 노벨 물리학상을 수상하였다 ( ). ⎯ 27:09 ⟪Global climate changes as forecast by Goddard Institute for Space Studies three-dimensional model⟫ (1988, Hansen, ) ⎯ 27:37 Mauna Loa 관측소 ( )에서 1958년 3월 부터 측정한 대기 중 이산화탄소 농도변화 그래프 : ⎯ 28:30 James Hansen의 1988년 논문에서는 이산화탄소 농도변화에 대한 세가지 시나리오를 ppm 단위로 나타내진 않았다. 하지만 영상에서는 정확히 ppm 단위로 나타낼 필요가 있어, 각각의 시나리오를 기술하는 설명에 기반하여 섭씨온도로 나타내어진 그래프를 ppm 단위로 환산하였다. 【관련 블로그 포스팅】 ⎯ '기후변화 부정론'은 음모론이다. ( ) ⎯ 왜 온난화문제는 일반대중에게 잘 받아들여지지 않는가? ( ) ⎯ 통가 해저화산은 폭발 후 2년간 0.17W/m² 가량의 냉각효과를 내며 온난화를 완화했다. ( ⎯ 노벨병 ( ) ⎯ 기후위기론은 선전선동이라는 기사를 보고.. ( ) 【BGM】 ⎯ Epidemic Sound ( ) ⎯ Epidemic Sound 1주일 무료체험 link : ⎯ BGM 목록 : ◼︎ ⟪In the Aftermath⟫ ( ) ◼︎ ⟪Quietly Tense⟫ ( ) ◼︎ ⟪The Road Less Travelled⟫ ( ) ◼︎ ⟪Domestic⟫ ( )
지구인을 위한 오답노트
Unit 1: Setting the Stage
Building the future we want requires an understanding of our collective past. Explore the last 50 years of stunning change—from food demand, water, population, ocean health, and beyond—to see our current climate inflection point in context. This introductory video is a fascinating must-watch before continuing your Climate Solutions 101 journey. All unit videos are now available with both English and Spanish subtitles. Learn more at Sign up to receive updates, provide ideas, and share how you will use Climate Solutions 101 in your classroom or community. Twitter: @ProjectDrawdown Instagram: @ProjectDrawdown Facebook: Project Drawdown #ClimateSolutions101 WHAT IS CLIMATE SOLUTIONS 101? Your climate solutions journey begins now. Filled with the latest need-to-know science and fascinating insights from global leaders in climate policy, research, investment, and beyond, this video series is a brain-shift toward a brighter climate reality. Climate Solutions 101 is the world’s first major educational effort focused solely on solutions. Rather than rehashing well-known climate challenges, Project Drawdown centers game-changing climate action based on its own rigorous scientific research and analysis. This course, presented in video units and in-depth conversations, combines Project Drawdown’s trusted resources with the expertise of several inspiring voices from around the world. Climate solutions become attainable with increased access to free, science-based educational resources, elevated public discourse, and tangible examples of real-world action. Continue your climate solutions journey, today.
Unit 1: Setting the Stage
Climate change 2021: definition, causes & top 10 solutions
In this whiteboard animation, I explain what is climate change, what causes it and I present the 10 most impactful (and perhaps unexpected) solutions suggested by Project Drawdown. 0:00 Intro 0:38 Definition of climate change 1:03 Causes 2:17 Emissions per economic sector 3:10 Inertia, feedback loops & permafrost 3:52 Implications & risks 4:47 Top 10 solutions 7:57 Final thoughts Climate change video on Vostok ice cores: ** I create engaging sustainability videos to learn & teach. More sustainability videos on & Help us create more videos like this by becoming a patron: Subscribe to receive the latest videos: Mailing list: Videos are created by Alexandre Magnin using years of experience drawing and working as a sustainability consultant with businesses and communities: Twitter: LinkedIn: ** Resources & credits: Project Drawdown table of solutions: IPCC website & reports: Interview of Katharine Hayhoe on the CBC for the two quotes: Ice cores & climate change: ** Definition of climate change Climate change usually refers more specifically to anthropogenic climate change, meaning the rapid rate at which the temperature of our planet and its atmosphere have been increasing over the past century due to human activity, in particular since the industrial revolution. It is NOT about individual weather events, although climate change can result in large-scale shifts in weather patterns. Causes of climate change Some gases present in our atmosphere make it work like a greenhouse so we call them greenhouse gases (GHG): The higher their concentration, the more they trap heat. This is great for starting your tomatoes during a chilly spring but this is not good for human beings on this planet. These greenhouse gases include the well known carbon dioxide of course but also methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs, HFCs), etc. Since the industrial revolution, we have been burning a lot of fossil fuels (such as oil, coal and natural gas), therefore our human activities have contributed to a 45% increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, from 280 ppm in 1750 to 415 ppm in 2019. But there is a correlation between CO2 concentration and temperatures (as we found out in my video about ice cores in Antarctica) therefore as CO2 emissions increase so does the global average temperature on Earth. Ok, so greenhouse gases cause climate change but more precisely, which sectors are these emissions coming from? The Intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) breaks down our carbon emissions like this. A few things are interesting here. Although GHG emissions and climate change are often pictured as cars and airplanes, you can see that it would be more accurate to draw them as fields, steaks, concrete buildings with heaters and air conditioners and factories building things as these three sectors combined represent about 76% of our global GHG emissions. Although we often talk about emissions, another issue from a climate change perspective is the reduction of carbon sinks, like deforestation which reduces CO2 absorption. A few things make this a little more complicated. Firstly: The rise in temperature has a lot of inertia, meaning it is not going to stop overnight even if we stopped our emissions today. Secondly: Positive feedback loops: smaller white surfaces on the planet reflect less the rays of the sun resulting in more heat absorption. Also, the hotter it gets, the more air conditioning we use. We saw this is already a major challenge but it is also an opportunity as we’ll see in a minute. Thirdly: the permafrost conceals huge amounts of methane which would act like a climate bomb if liberated. The implications for us humans are numerous: more catastrophes such as forest fires, hurricanes, tsunamis, draughts, viruses like Covid-19 and sea level rise resulting in refugee crisis, conflicts, loss of crops and biodiversity, diseases and economic downfall. In a 2016 report, the IPCC strongly suggested keeping the global warming under 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels to avoid dramatic outcomes. Even it it does not look like much, 1.5° makes a big difference on planet Earth!
Climate change 2021: definition, causes & top 10 solutions
