색감세포보다 밝기세포가 훨씬 많다그래서 색에 덜 민감하다 밝기보다Eye NotionCone CellRod CellFoveal centralisSaccadeFixationVision spanMyopiaEye ColorLens protein Human Eye ExtensionsBlindImprove VisionEye DropHuman IrisEyeSightClairvoyance Gene therapy reverses vision loss in primates — by making their eyes young againIt could signal a new era in the treatment of age-related diseases.https://www.freethink.com/health/gene-therapy-naionA Single Shot Restored Vision to a Blind Child for an Entire YearA patient suffering from a genetic form of childhood blindness regained and retained vision for more than a year after receiving just a single shot of an experimental RNA therapy directly into the eye, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Medicine .https://interestingengineering.com/single-shot-restored-vision-blind-child-entire-year?utm_source=tldrnewslettereye cream eye gell eye serum아이크림, 아이에센스, 아이젤 효능차이? 사용순서? 하나만 사용한다면 무엇? by 핑피박눈가(eye) 부위에 사용하는 제품은 생각보다 간단하죠#아이크림 사용법#아이세럼 사용순서#아이젤 그런데, 과연 3가지 중 한가지만 사용한다면 무엇이 좋을까요?2가지만 사용한다면, 어떤 제품이 좋을까요?3가지를 모두 사용한다면, 올바른 사용방법은?기초화장품 화장품 올바른 사용순서(사...https://youtu.be/MUmGm_OnKSM"Youth" protein refreshes photoreceptor cells to protect aging eyesScientists studying the aging process in the eye have made an important discovery around the role of a so-called "youth" protein, and shown how it promotes a cellular recycling process that maintains our vision. Experiments on mice missing this protein led to fast-tracked degeneration in the...https://newatlas.com/medical/youth-protein-photoreceptor-aging-eyes/Night vision lensNight-vision lenses so thin and light that we can all see in the darkFrom evening drives to navigating a house or a park in the dark, there are so many situations where it'd be handy to slip on a simple pair of night-vision lenses and the world that's beyond human optical perception could be illuminated like never before. This vision could be a reality, with a technology breakthrough that could deliver this elusive view to everyday consumers, with an ultra-thin film or lens the width of cling wrap.https://newatlas.com/technology/night-vision-thin-light-lens/