Filter bubble is fake
Extreme filter bubbles seem to be rather rare. Studies that investigated shown by search engine found little evidence that you are ideologically isolated. It is the exact opposite. Online you are constantly confronted with opinions and world views that are not your own. Real world interactions are much less diverse than your online bubble. The filter bubble exists in your real life, not online.
Human brains didn’t evolve to understand the true nature of reality, but to navigate and maintain social structures. City was also relatively isolated unlike modern internet.
The engagement driven social internet wants to keep you online as long as possible. And the most engaging emotion is, unfortunately: Anger. This leads to social media amplifying the most extreme and controversial opinions. Simplified and distorted disagreements about how we should run society often make it seem as if the people on the other team and neighbors are almost evil. This is dissolving the social glue that is the foundation of our Democracy. Out stupid brains don’t realize is that we are actually all on the same team: Humanity. But until our brains adjust to being able to deal with that, we might be better off being a bit separated.
In the end, It is important to be aware of what social media does to your brain. You can self examine why you believe the things you believe and whether you dismiss based on who the person is who is stating that information. Evolution is too slow, so we need to find model that work with what our brains are able to tolerate.
필터버블은 갑작스럽게 모두를 광장으로 내보낸 인터넷 시대에 과격한 충돌을 막는 일종의 장벽 역할을 하기도 한다. 일반적인 인식과 달리 현실은 인터넷보다 훨씬 다양성이 낮고, 현실은 더 강력한 필터를 가진다. 인터넷은 토론의 장으로써 그 역할을 하지만, 과격한 의견의 충돌은 사회적 신뢰의 붕괴를 가져올 수 있다. 여기서 뇌가 스스로 팀을 나누는 것을 메타인지하고 들어오는 정보들을 본인에 맞게 조절할 필요가 있다.
개인화된 검색의 결과물의 하나로 사용자가 선호할 만한 검색 결과물만 사용자에게 제공하고 또 추천하는 것.