2021 MIT
Natural language descriptions of deep visual features
All of activations are quantized to be between 0-9 inclusive.
intervention scoring
EleutherAI • Updated 2025 Feb 25 0:32
EleutherAI • Updated 2025 Feb 26 20:12
기본 상태에서의 출력과 개입 후 출력을 비교하여, 해당 특징이 모델의 출력에 미친 영향을 분석
Gradual improvement with hypothesis Best-of-k sampling and small model by knowledge distillation
In order to get feature explanations Claude 2 is provided with a total of 49 examples: ten examples from the top activations interval; two from the other 12 intervals; five completely random examples; and ten examples where the top activating tokens appear in different contexts. Finally, we ask the model to be succinct in its answer and not provide specific examples of tokens it activates for.
Using the explanation generated, in a new interaction Claude is asked to predict activations for sixty examples: six from the top activations; two from the other 12 intervals; ten completely random; and twenty top activating tokens out of context. For the sake of computational efficiency, Claude scores all sixty examples in a single shot, repeating each token followed by its predicted activation. In an ideal setting, each example would be given independently as its own prompt.