Research Report: Sparse Autoencoders find only 9/180 board state features in OthelloGPT
[3/7 Edit: I have rephrased the bolded claims in the abstract per this comment from Joseph Bloom, hopefully improving the heat-to-light ratio. Commenters have also suggested training on earlier layers and using untied weights, and in my experiments this increases the number of classifiers found, so the headline number should be 33/180 features, up from 9/180. See this comment for updated results.] A sparse autoencoder is a neural network architecture that has recently gained popularity as a technique to find interpretable features in language models (Cunningham et al, Anthropic’s Bricken et al). We train a sparse autoencoder on OthelloGPT, a language model trained on transcripts of the board game Othello, which has been shown to contain a linear representation of the board state, findable by supervised probes. The sparse autoencoder finds 9 features which serve as high-accuracy classifiers of the board state, out of 180 findable with supervised probes (and 192 possible piece/position combinations) [edit: 33/180 features, see this comment]. Across random seeds, the autoencoder repeatedly finds “simpler” features concentrated on the center of the board and the corners. This suggests that even if a language model can be interpreted with a human-understandable ontology of interesting, interpretable linear features, a sparse autoencoder might not find a significant number of those features.