What is Texonom

Alan JoAlan Jo
2023 Mar 28 6:39
Alan JoAlan Jo
2023 Nov 21 12:31

A hierarchical, knowledge graph that ties together scattered knowledge.

notion image


Current knowledge systems face two typical challenges. First, their entire structure is scattered graph architecture, making it difficult to learn and internalize the domain due to the lack of hierarchy. Second, the connection between the same terminologies in different domains is weak, leading to wasted productivity when people have different understandings of terms or use them ambiguously. To address these challenges, we propose the new knowledge system Texonom, which is composed of knowledge entities that have their own URLs. Texonom uses a taxonomy, a precise and organized tree structure between these concepts, to enable optimal conceptual learning in your field. The Texonom can be edited by everyone who strives to structure all concepts in the world and is currently organizing them under three headings: Reality, Theory, and Creation.

Free Knowledges

Nowadays, It's getting harder and harder to discern the truth. Texonom aims to collect
based on tree structure information with network relations. We use recursive
to organize complex knowledge. Texonom aims to provide correct knowledge and neutral opinions. However, mistakes can still occur, which is why Texonom encourages discussions and welcomes feedback from users. The belief is that this way of sharing knowledge will improve our ability to
Problem Solving
, and the accumulated structured knowledge serves as a data corpus for AI learning as well as for humans.

Problem Solving

In developed countries, starvation and survival problems are not a major concern. As a result, people tend to focus on problem-solving as a key objective in life. However, identifying a problem to solve can be challenging, as it requires knowledge of the state of the art in a given domain. To find or create an unsolved problem or improve an existing solution, one can apply a combination of other solutions with
and originality.

Originality & Invention

Living a moderate life can be tiring, and competition can be stressful. However, by enhancing your flow, you can improve your life. One way to achieve this is by fully connecting knowledge to foster innovation.
is achieved through a combination of inventions. By connecting information and ideas, we can create something new and original.

Creativity & Innovation

In today's world, intelligence is no longer defined by brain storage size or processing speed. Creativity is the ability to combine different ideas and perspectives to create something new and valuable. By collecting and coalescing our creative ideas, we can foster innovation. Innovation has the power to change the world, and creativity is the key to unlocking it.


When asking a question, it is important to keep in mind that the main purpose of a question is to answer and resolve it. If an answer is not expected, consider rephrasing the question. Effective communication involves expressing personal needs and understanding the needs of others. Please comment anywhere and share your opinion freely.
is the only way to convey thinkings.

Texonom Rules

  • All pages should have a unique name to facilitate seamless search.
  • Page naming should be consistent with Texonom’s page tree structure.
  • It is recommended to name all collections, such as table or gallery blocks, in plural form.
  • By default, Texonom use Gallery as the main collection view. ()
  • The default language for Texonom is
    . Please inform us if you require support for translations or grammar issues.
  • Document’s Ref property reference more general entity or same level entity in knowledge tree.


Anyone can contribute to the cause by participating or donating.

