
Alan JoAlan Jo
2019 Dec 19 23:55
Alan JoAlan Jo
2024 Jul 4 13:51

If simplification is too engaging and story is too good, it can distort the truth

지식의 양을 감당 못하고 더 단순한 형태로 변화시키지 못하는 순간부터, 고일 수 밖에 없다
At the same time, Abstractions allow us to think efficiently, but who learn superficially will not succeed on difficult projects that involve multiple domains of expertise.
High level should not depend on low level. Both should depend on abstraction. Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstraction
Higher understanding in any field requires the abstraction of the underlying knowledge, and it is important to know the relation between concepts and where they belong. This is why you become an expert when you know the relationships between concepts in your domain, rather than memorizing them in isolation.
너무나 매력적인 직관들은 가끔 중요한 것을 잊게 하고 현실을 왜곡하게 만든다
누구나 납득할 수 있는 추상화를 할 수 있는 사람과 달리 똑똑해 보이고 싶어서 추상화와 일반화로 이상한 결론에 도달하는 사람은 위험하다
Abstraction Notion
  • A well-designed system will degrade into a badly designed system over time.
  • There is no fundamental upper limit on Software Complexity.
