Postulates of Quantum MechanicsCanonical Commutation Relation과 Axiom of Momentum는 상호 증명 관계이기 때문에 둘중에 뭐를 공리로 설정하느냐를 고를 수 있다. Uncertainty principle 나 Pauli Exclusion Principle는 유도되는 원칙이다.Dirac von Neumann axiomsAxiom of State RepresentationAxiom of ObservablesSchrödinger EquationQuantum State Collapse Axioms of Quantum MechanicsAxiom of MomentumCanonical Commutation Relation Dirac–von Neumann axiomsIn mathematical physics, the Dirac–von Neumann axioms give a mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics in terms of operators on a Hilbert space. They were introduced by Paul Dirac in 1930 and John von Neumann in 1932.