Language Model

Language Model

Seonglae ChoSeonglae Cho
2021 May 26 1:23
2024 Oct 14 11:9
Knowledge (
Language Model
) is more high level communication than information (
Search Engine
). That will make economic pressure to the search market. Information has bias and relative unlike knowledge.
기본적으로 instruct tuned 된다고 하지만 결국 pre-training은 next token prediction 이기 때문에, 생성되는 결과는 context에 매우매우 의존적이다. 즉 LM은 거대한 text corpus에서 현재 대화에 가장 유사한 context들을 골라서 잘 조합해주는 것이라 봐도 되는데 (+약간의 지능), Chat AI의 대화시에도 내가 똑똑한 text 를 주면 똑똑한 결과가 나오기 때문에 context를 내가 원하는 답변의 맥락과 구조가 최대한 유사하도록 설계하는 게 LM hacking으로서 중요하다.
언어는 induce incentive로 인해 배워지는 것이고 intelligence 자체가 아니기 때문에, llm의 목표를 intelligence이고 fine-tuning을 knowledge로 삼아야지 특정 언어에 특화된 모델을 만들려는 건 잘못된 방향 (영어를 잘하는 건 단지 영어 데이터가 많아서).
LLM are fluent in base64 just as they are fluent in many different languages
Language Model Notion
Language Model Usages
notion image
The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. -

karpathyUpdated 2025 Jan 25 21:0

What is the difference between Encoder block and Decoder block

Let's build GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out.
We build a Generatively Pretrained Transformer (GPT), following the paper "Attention is All You Need" and OpenAI's GPT-2 / GPT-3. We talk about connections to ChatGPT, which has taken the world by storm. We watch GitHub Copilot, itself a GPT, help us write a GPT (meta :D!) . I recommend people watch the earlier makemore videos to get comfortable with the autoregressive language modeling framework and basics of tensors and PyTorch nn, which we take for granted in this video. Links: - Google colab for the video: - GitHub repo for the video: - Playlist of the whole Zero to Hero series so far: - nanoGPT repo: - my website: - my twitter: - our Discord channel: Supplementary links: - Attention is All You Need paper: - OpenAI GPT-3 paper: - OpenAI ChatGPT blog post: - The GPU I'm training the model on is from Lambda GPU Cloud, I think the best and easiest way to spin up an on-demand GPU instance in the cloud that you can ssh to: . If you prefer to work in notebooks, I think the easiest path today is Google Colab. Suggested exercises: - EX1: The n-dimensional tensor mastery challenge: Combine the `Head` and `MultiHeadAttention` into one class that processes all the heads in parallel, treating the heads as another batch dimension (answer is in nanoGPT). - EX2: Train the GPT on your own dataset of choice! What other data could be fun to blabber on about? (A fun advanced suggestion if you like: train a GPT to do addition of two numbers, i.e. a+b=c. You may find it helpful to predict the digits of c in reverse order, as the typical addition algorithm (that you're hoping it learns) would proceed right to left too. You may want to modify the data loader to simply serve random problems and skip the generation of train.bin, val.bin. You may want to mask out the loss at the input positions of a+b that just specify the problem using y=-1 in the targets (see CrossEntropyLoss ignore_index). Does your Transformer learn to add? Once you have this, swole doge project: build a calculator clone in GPT, for all of +-*/. Not an easy problem. You may need Chain of Thought traces.) - EX3: Find a dataset that is very large, so large that you can't see a gap between train and val loss. Pretrain the transformer on this data, then initialize with that model and finetune it on tiny shakespeare with a smaller number of steps and lower learning rate. Can you obtain a lower validation loss by the use of pretraining? - EX4: Read some transformer papers and implement one additional feature or change that people seem to use. Does it improve the performance of your GPT? Chapters: 00:00:00 intro: ChatGPT, Transformers, nanoGPT, Shakespeare baseline language modeling, code setup 00:07:52 reading and exploring the data 00:09:28 tokenization, train/val split 00:14:27 data loader: batches of chunks of data 00:22:11 simplest baseline: bigram language model, loss, generation 00:34:53 training the bigram model 00:38:00 port our code to a script Building the "self-attention" 00:42:13 version 1: averaging past context with for loops, the weakest form of aggregation 00:47:11 the trick in self-attention: matrix multiply as weighted aggregation 00:51:54 version 2: using matrix multiply 00:54:42 version 3: adding softmax 00:58:26 minor code cleanup 01:00:18 positional encoding 01:02:00 THE CRUX OF THE VIDEO: version 4: self-attention 01:11:38 note 1: attention as communication 01:12:46 note 2: attention has no notion of space, operates over sets 01:13:40 note 3: there is no communication across batch dimension 01:14:14 note 4: encoder blocks vs. decoder blocks 01:15:39 note 5: attention vs. self-attention vs. cross-attention 01:16:56 note 6: "scaled" self-attention. why divide by sqrt(head_size) Building the Transformer 01:19:11 inserting a single self-attention block to our network 01:21:59 multi-headed self-attention 01:24:25 feedforward layers of transformer block 01:26:48 residual connections 01:32:51 layernorm (and its relationship to our previous batchnorm) 01:37:49 scaling up the model! creating a few variables. adding dropout Notes on Transformer 01:42:39 encoder vs. decoder vs. both (?) Transformers 01:46:22 super quick walkthrough of nanoGPT, batched multi-headed self-attention 01:48:53 back to ChatGPT, GPT-3, pretraining vs. finetuning, RLHF 01:54:32 conclusions Corrections: 00:57:00 Oops "tokens from the _future_ cannot communicate", not "past". Sorry! :) 01:20:05 Oops I should be using the head_size for the normalization, not C
Let's build GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out.

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